Community Insight System (CIS)

Sophisticated, and easy-to-use

Our CRM - the Community Insight System (CIS) is easily one of the best, and most capable, in the field. Why is this?

It's established. The CIS has been on the frontline for well over 10 years - serving colleagues at Healthwatch, Local Authorities and Public Health, ICBs/CCGs, and Service Providers (it even processes PALS and Complaints).

It's comprehensive. It really does do everything - stakeholdership and mailing lists, volunteer management, signposting and advocacy, activity planning and evidencing, processing of views & experiences.

It reports. At a click - get statistical and trends analysis reports.

It's easy-to-use.  The layout is both logical and functional (no unnecessary fields) and all menus (drop-downs) are fully customisable - to suit your locality and way of working.

Grab a brochure.

Manuals & Videos

Resources are available below. You can also find out more by getting in touch.

User Manuals. View step-by-step guides for Stakeholder Management, Case Manager, Activities and Service User Experience.

Videos: Get a quick overview of the concept, data entry and generating reports.

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