Empowering communities through data insights.

Where data comes to life!

About Us

Welcome to Community Insights. We bring together award-winning technology, an experienced team in public engagement and analytics, and a vision – to deliver a comprehensive service that is affordable – and remains so. If your objective is to engage with communities and to produce high quality, concise insights – we are literally a one-stop-shop. 

Our service acquires feedback (online reviews), codes it – along with your local data (outreach, surveys, service visits), and produces amazing reports (for analysis) and dashboards (for presentations). It also gives you the Community Insight System (CIS) which is arguably the most capable CRM, in the field.

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What We Do

Online Data Collection

We collect the online feedback for your area (Google Reviews, NHS and Care Opinion). In a typical Local Authority or Borough catchment, this is around 800 comments - per quarter (4,000 issues).

Data Processing

We process the online data alongside your local feedback from outreach, surveys and service visits. 

That's right - we do everything. 

Reports and Dashboards

We give you quarterly reports (for analysis) and dashboards (for presenting).

You can also generate your own reports - easily.

Community Insight System (CIS)

We give you an award-winning CRM. With ease, manage your stakeholders and volunteers, process signposting and advocacy cases, plan and record activities and objectives.. Get statistical reports.

A Service You Can Trust

We are very-well established, with a track record stretching back over 15 years. We'll put you in touch with our customers - speak with a Healthwatch, Public Health, ICB or Provider colleague.

You Really Can Afford Us!

We are transparent with costs.. The whole package is £3,000 per annum and there are no set-up fees. The really good news is - we can 'bake' prices in for the longer term (non-binding contract).

Our Mission

Yes, we do have a mission.

  • A commitment to quality: Our systems and products are thoroughly tested, with rigorous quality-assurance measures. in place. What does that mean? Our database systems are unlikely to have glitches, our coding and reporting is likely to be accurate, our publications and materials well-presented.
  • A customer focus: If you contact us, we will respond timely. If there is a deadline to meet, it will not be missed. We have a reputation for reliability, and it is well-earned over the years.
  • A drive to bring costs down: At launch in 2013, the cost of the Community Insight Service was £3,000 per annum. Well over 10 years later - the cost is still £3,000 per annum. It has not gone up. There is no current plan to increase it. So do spread the word!

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To find out more, book a meet-up.

The Cost - How Much?

We would actually say, how little? 

For £250 per month (that's £3,000 per annum) you get:

  • The online feedback (around 850 comments per quarter).
  • Coding/processing of all data.
  • Routine quarterly reports.
  • A CRM - the Community Insight System (CIS).
  • Upload to third parties - such as Healthwatch England.
  • Full compliance with GDPR and Cyber Security. 

Service Installation

There are no installation or up-front costs.

It's all in the package.


Training and Support

We provide training on request, and ongoing support.

There is no fee for this.


Bespoke Reports

Going to that meeting and need a report?

We'll fetch it, at no cost.


Engagement Services

Did you know, our partner Local Voice are experts in engagement and analysis. Their reports are packed with infographics and are exceptionally well-regarded.

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