Our prices are stable
Helping You Plan Ahead...
At launch in 2013, the cost of the Community Insights Service was £3,000 per annum.
Well over 10 years later - the cost is still £3,000 per annum.
Our prices have not gone up.
There is no current plan to increase them.
So do spread the word!
What you get
- The online feedback (around 850 comments per quarter).
- Coding/processing of all data.
- Routine quarterly reports.
- A CRM - the Community Insight System (CIS).
- Upload to third parties - such as Healthwatch England.
- Full compliance with GDPR and Cyber Security.
Service Installation
There are no installation or up-front costs.
It's all in the package.
Training and Support
We provide training on request, and ongoing support.
There is no fee for this.
Bespoke Reports
Going to that meeting and need a report?
We'll fetch it - at no extra cost.
Terms: You can cancel any contract with 30 days notice.