Trends Analysis

Our reports effect change
Our trends analysis reports are used widely - across the country, to identify key issues and to effect change.
What do the reports do? As you'd expect, they report on views and experiences. Crucially they also benchmark - we can see how things change over time and examine differences between localities, service providers and demographic groups. This gives us real insight - we can see what the issues are, and where they are.
As well as identifying poor practice, we can equally observe good practice. In doing this, we help to forge collaboration and partnership - driving up standards.
Who uses our reports? In certain localities, colleagues at Local Authorities and Public Health, Healthwatch, the CQC, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and Service Providers. The reports feature regularly at forums and committees - locally and regionally.
Grab some reports...
There are several types of report. A full report, typically 20 pages offers an in-depth read. A summary report, 4-6 pages condenses findings - this is ideal for analysis. A dashboard, 2 pages, works well for presenting.
Regional Bundle. In North East London, we report regularly on GPs, Hospitals (and NHS Trusts) and on areas such as Mental Health, Long-Term Conditions, Maternity and Children & Young People. Get a pack.
Local Bundle. At borough level, we report regularly on all feedback received, local hospitals and GPs (including PCNs). Get a pack.